
Terms and Conditions of Use

Domain Ownership

The website (“Site”) is owned by Shining Services, Unipessoal Lda. (“Dental Courses Europe”), holder of the unique registration and legal person number 515351997.

For any clarification related to the Site or these Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”), you may contact Dental Courses Europe through the following e-mail:

Purpose and Scope of Application

These Terms establish the rules for accessing and using the Site, including all its subpages, and apply to Site visitors (“Users”).

Use of the Site implies free, express and unreserved acceptance of these Terms by Users.

The Site provides its Users with general information about the services provided by Dental Courses Europe.

Site Access

Dental Courses Europe reserves the exclusive right, at any time, to suspend, partially or totally, access to the Site, in particular in the operations of management, maintenance, repair, alteration or modernization, and to close, definitively or temporarily, partially or totally, at any time, the Site.

User Access

The User will access the Site for the exclusive use of services and functionalities that are in accordance with these Terms. It is forbidden to undertake any means that allow illegal and abusive access to the Dental Courses Europe computer system, namely with the intention of disturbing its operation, introducing, modifying or deleting contents made available therein, causing damage, of any nature, to the Site or employees of Dental Courses Europe, introduce any type of computer virus, harmful software and/or worms into the network and access the personal data of other users.

Alteration of Services and Contents

Dental Courses Europe reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to update, modify, add and/or eliminate, partially or totally, the services and/or the graphic, textual, multimedia, photographs, images , videos or any other digital file format made available on the Site (“contents”).


Dental Courses Europe may provide links to pages of other entities. These sites do not belong to, are not operated or controlled by Dental Courses Europe, which is why Dental Courses Europe is not responsible for, approves or in any way supports or endorses the content of these sites, or the sites linked or referred to therein. The use of these links is the sole responsibility of the Users.


Dental Courses Europe will not be responsible for errors that may occur due to system irregularities or failures (temporary or permanent) of the Site. Dental Courses Europe will not be liable for any damages resulting from improper use or the inability to use the Site.

Accuracy of Contents and Exclusion of Warranties

Dental Courses Europe will take whatever steps it deems reasonable to ensure that all content made available on the Site is accurate and up-to-date. However, the use and reading of the contents of this Site is exclusively at the risk of the User, and the Site is made available as is.

Dental Courses Europe does not provide any guarantees, express or implied, regarding the use of the Site and the materials contained therein. Dental Courses Europe disclaims any warranty, express or implied, of accuracy or quality, and any warranty, express or implied, of fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement of third party rights and assumes no liability for any errors, inaccuracies and /or omissions of the contents made available on the Site.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The User acknowledges that the contents of the Site are protected by intellectual property rights and undertakes to respect such rights.

The rights to texts, images, graphics, sound and animation and all other information and the way in which they are graphically represented on the Site, including brands, logos and symbols, as well as the layout and structure of the Site, are owned by Dental Courses Europe or are used with your permission.

The User is not authorized to transmit, publish, modify, copy, sell, use or distribute, in any way, the texts, images or other information contained in this Site, without our prior written authorization. The use of brands and logos on this Site, as well as the availability of existing materials on the Site, do not and cannot be interpreted as granting permission to Users to use, directly or indirectly, such brands, logos or materials.

Personal Data Processing

Dental Courses Europe protects the privacy of Site Users. Browsing through this Site does not necessarily imply the provision of personal data.

Dental Courses Europe makes available, however, through this website, online contact forms, registration of training in the field of dentistry and subscription to newsletters. Completing the form implies providing personal data, which will be used in accordance with the terms set out in the Privacy Policy available on the Site.

Validity of Terms

If any part or provision of these Terms is unenforceable or in conflict with applicable law, the validity of the remaining parts or provisions will not be affected.

Change of Terms

Dental Courses Europe reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to change, add, update or delete, in part or in full, these Terms.

The User should periodically consult the page of these Terms to confirm if any updates or changes have been made.

The use of the Site, after the introduction of any changes or additions, constitutes express and unreserved acceptance of the new Terms.

Apllicable law

The Site and the contents made available therein are subject to portuguese legislation. Any dispute arising therefrom will be governed by Portuguese law and will be resolved by the Judicial Court of the District of Lisbon, with express waiver of any other.

Questions and Suggestions

If you have any questions or suggestions about these Terms, you may contact Dental Courses Europe at the following e-mail address:

Last update date

April 09, 2023.

Privacy Policy

Dental Courses Europe respects the privacy and rights of the holders of personal data, collected in connection with the use of the website (“Site”), acting in accordance with the provisions contained in the General Data Protection Regulation (“RGPD”) and other applicable legislation.

The provision of personal data by users of the Site (“Users”) implies knowledge and express, free and unequivocal acceptance of the conditions contained in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy is complemented by the Terms and Conditions of Use.

This Privacy Policy identifies the person responsible for processing the User’s personal data, for what purposes personal data can be used, how they are treated, with whom they are shared, for how long they are kept, as well as the ways to contact responsible for the processing of personal data and to exercise their rights.

Identification of the Person Responsible for the Processing of Personal Data

Users’ personal data will be processed by Shining Services, Unipessoal Lda. (“Dental Courses Europe”), holder of the unique registration and legal person number 515351997, whose contact email is:

Collection and Processing of Personal Data

Any information, of any nature and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person is considered personal data.

Access to the Site does not imply the provision of personal data by the User. However, the use of certain features of the Site implies the provision of personal data by the User.

Purposes of Personal Data Processing

Personal data will be processed solely for the following purposes:

(i) Contact form: personal data will be processed, with the User’s consent, to manage the established contact and provide clarifications and information requested by the User;

(ii) Registration for courses offered: personal data will be processed, with the User’s consent, for the purposes of registration and registration for courses offered by Dental Courses Europe, requested by the User;

(iii) Newsletter subscription: personal data will be processed, with the User’s consent, for the purpose of sending newsletters to the User;

User Rights

The User may request, at any time, access to personal data concerning him, as well as its rectification, deletion, limitation of its treatment, portability of its data or opposition to its treatment.

The User may also obtain confirmation of the personal data that are being processed, with a copy of the data being processed provided, if required.

The User is also guaranteed the right, through said means, to withdraw their consent for the processing of data for the indicated purposes, not invalidating, however, the treatment carried out up to that date based on the consent previously given.

In order to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, the User must submit a written request to the following contact:

Conservation of Personal Data

The personal data collected are treated in strict compliance with the applicable legislation. Personal data will be kept in accordance with the respective purposes and in compliance with the applicable legal deadlines. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the appropriate period and to the extent necessary for the scope of the purposes for which they were collected, except if the right to opposition, right to erasure or if the User withdraws consent.

Communication of Personal Data to other Entities

Dental Courses Europe may transmit your personal data:

(i) When resorting to other entities to provide certain services, as this provision of services may imply access, by these entities, to your personal data. Any subcontracting entity of Dental Courses Europe will process the User’s personal data, in the name and on behalf of Dental Courses Europe, under the strict obligation to follow its instructions and the terms of the subcontracting agreement entered into;

(ii) To third parties, in compliance with legal obligations or court/administrative orders.

In any of the situations mentioned above, Joana Novo will take all appropriate measures to guarantee the effective protection of personal data.

Security and Confidentiality

Dental Courses Europe makes its best efforts to protect Users’ personal data against unauthorized access. Using, for this purpose, security systems, rules and other procedures, in order to guarantee the protection of personal data and to prevent unauthorized access to data, improper use, disclosure, loss or destruction.

However, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure, so it is not possible to absolutely guarantee the security of the information transmitted through this Site. Users are responsible for guaranteeing and ensuring that the devices and equipment used to access the Site are adequately protected against harmful software, computer viruses and worms.

Dental Courses Europe guarantees the confidentiality of all data provided by Users, not selling, distributing or otherwise making Users’ data commercially available to any third party.

Change of Privacy Policy

Dental Courses Europe reserves the right to update or change this Privacy Policy at any time.

The User should periodically check this page to confirm if any updates or changes have been made.

Issues and Exercise of Rights

If you have any questions or wish to exercise any of the aforementioned rights regarding the processing of your personal data, please send an email to:

Last update date

April 09, 2023.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that identify the User’s device whenever he visits this Site. Cookies themselves do not identify the individual User, only the device used. Cookies are not used to collect personal data.

This Website uses cookies that improve performance, security and experience, allow faster and more efficient navigation, determine the number of visits to the Website and eliminate the need to repeatedly enter the same information. In this way, Dental Courses Europe can provide a more personalized and tailored service to Users.

All browsers allow the User to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective browser. The User can configure cookies in the “options” or “preferences” menu of the browser.

The cookies used on this Site can be classified as follows:

(i) Essential Cookies: These are cookies that are necessary for the Site to function properly and for the User to be able to access specific areas of the Site.

(ii) Functionality Cookies: These are cookies that allow User preferences to be saved when visiting the Site. In this way, it is not necessary to customize the Site each time you visit it.

(iii) Analytical Cookies: These are cookies that analyze how Users use the Site, allowing them to know the most popular pages, monitor Site performance and understand possible error messages on the Site.

(iv) Third-party cookies: These are cookies sent to the User’s terminal equipment from an equipment or domain managed by other entities. Cookies do not store the User’s personal data, uniquely identifying the User’s browser and internet device.

Date of last update April 09, 2023.

Terms and Conditions of Acquisition

These Terms and Conditions of Acquisition refer to the provision of services itself. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions of Acquisition, a Customer is the person, User or not of the Site, who acquires, or wishes to acquire, a service made available on the Site.

To enroll in one of our courses presented on the Site or obtain information, the Customer must fill in the form available on the “Contacts” subpage or send an email to:

Once the message/email is received, Dental Courses Europe will prepare the quote based on the information provided by the Client. If sufficient elements for registration or specific information are not provided, Dental Courses Europe will contact the Customer.


Payments will always be made via bank transfer.

The investment amount will be determined on the subpage referring to the course.

Any promotion or discount will only apply to services that have not yet been contracted. If the Customer has already contracted a service, the promotion or discount cannot be applied retroactively.

Cancellation of Services

The Customer may, at any time, cancel the service; not having, however, the right to reimbursement of the amount, total or partial, already paid for it, according to the contract made.

Right of Refusal

Dental Courses Europe reserves the right to refuse registrations for the courses offered on the Site, either due to exhaustion of vacancies or for any other reason, without needing to justify such refusal.

Date of last update April 09, 2023.